
technical conferences in the trade fair environment

* Program subject to change

Coordinator: Paulo Curado
Director of Innovation at CPQD

13h30 - 14h00

Innovation incentive programs and instruments for the ICT sector: contributions from the ICT Law

Hamilton José Mendes da Silva - Digital Innovation Director at MCTI - Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

14h00 - 15h30

Panel - Future prospects for the fiber optics market in Brazil

Paulo Curado - Director of Innovation at CPQD

Cleber Pettinelli - Telecom Director at Prysmian

Daniel Vagner - Consultant at Telefónica (Vivo)
Reinaldo Jerônymo - CEO of YOFC Brazil
Ricardo De Luca - Network Engineering and Infrastructure Manager at Claro

15h30 - 16h00


16h00 - 16h30

Connecting the unconnected - RNP's actions to support public connectivity policies

Oswaldo de Freitas Alves - Strategic Project Manager from RNP - National Education and Research Network

16h30 - 17h00

Optical fibers for metropolitan networks

Henrique Carmine - Corporate Strategy Manager at American Imports

17h00 - 17h30

4G and 5G networks for Internet providers: FWA and beyond

Gustavo Correa Lima - Executive Manager of Connectivity Solutions at CPQD

17h30 - 18h00

Advanced Optical Fibers: Innovation and Application

Marco Scocco - New Business and Innovation Manager from YOFC Brazil

18h00 - 18h30

Fixed broadband in Brazil

José Felipe Ruppenthal - CEO of Telco Advisors

Coordinator: Prof. José Mauricio Pinheiro
Professor at UBM, FAETERJ and SEST SENAT

13:30 - 14:15

Wi-Fi 6E and 7

Luiz Puppin - Manager of FiberX Training

14h15 - 15h00

6 GHz outdoor scenario

Gilson Barbosa - CEO of G3Network

15h00 - 15h45

Application of a WIMAX infrastructure for the Digital Inclusion Centers of Fortaleza (CIDF)

Carlos Aurélio Oliveira Gonçalves - Administrator of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE)

15h45 - 16h15


16h15 - 17h00

Impact of AI - Artificial intelligence on the provider

Karine Mansour Soares - CEO at Mansour Consultoria and Head of Network at Law in Tele

17h00 - 18h30

Panel - New technologies and security in communication networks

Karine Mansour SoaresCEO at Mansour Consultoria and Head of Network at Law in Tele

Alessandro Magalhães - Operations Director from Plano SI Consultoria
André Scheiner - Project Director at Sapiens Projetos
Ricardo Capozzi - Computer Forensics Expert of Inforac Lab Tec Pericial

Coordinator: Prof. José Mauricio Pinheiro
Professor at UBM, FAETERJ and SEST SENAT

13:30 - 14:15

Advantages of turnkey projects for providers

Paul Raad - Product Director at WDC Networks

14h15 - 15h00

DDoS and network security

Adenilson Boccato de Almeida - Cybersecurity Manager at Protiviti

15h00 - 15h45

Performance indicators (KPIs) for the development of providers

Jorge Morgado - Engineer at Conect Telecom

15h45 - 16h15


16h15 - 17h15

Technical standards and practices important for the stability and growth of the provider - An approach for managers

Antonio M. Moreiras and Gilberto Zorello - Project Managers

17h15 - 18h30

Panel - Management Strategies and Services in Telecommunications

Henrique Carmine - Corporate Strategy Manager at American Imports

Douglas Conrad - CTO of Opens Tecnologia
Glaucius Botosso - CEO of GBX ISP Consult
Luciano Franz - CEO of Digilivro
Jesaias Arruda - Vice-President of the Brazilian Internet Association (Abranet)

Coordinator: Luis Tossi
Vice President at ABDC - Brazilian Association of Data Centers

13:30 - 13:50

Key AI concepts - Artificial intelligence and the data center market

Luis Tossi - Vice President of the Brazilian Data Center Association (ABDC)
Renan Lima Alves - CEO BOOST and Director of Institutional Relations at the Brazilian Data Center Association (ABDC)

13h50 - 14h50

Panel - How AI applications are affecting the structure of logical cabling

Luis Tossi - Vice President of the Brazilian Data Center Association (ABDC)

Douglas Ozanan - Sales and Marketing Director for Panduit in Brazil
Eduardo Venturini - LAN/DC Technical Support Manager at R&M - Reichle & De-Massari
Eli Batista - Country Manager of Siemon do Brasil
Leonel Rodrigues - Furukawa Market Manager Electric Latam

14h50 - 15h45

Panel - Applications, hardware and solutions for the AI market

Luis Tossi - Vice President of the Brazilian Data Center Association (ABDC)

Emerson Felipe - Commercial Director of Seal Sistemas e Tecnologia
Marcel Saraiva - NVIDIA Enterprise Regional Sales Manager

15h45 - 16h15


16h15 - 17h15

Panel - Artificial intelligence in the edge and mini-edge data center

Renan Lima Alves - CEO BOOST and Director of Institutional Relations at the Brazilian Data Center Association (ABDC)

Eduardo Shuto - Corporate Development & Strategy Director LATAM at Equinix
Rogerio Mariano - Global Head, Edge Network Planning at Azion

17h15 - 18h30

Panel - IoT - How agribusiness is shaping the data center edge market

Renan Lima Alves - CEO BOOST and Director of Institutional Relations at the Brazilian Data Center Association (ABDC)

Dhiego Frances Alves Pereira - Algar Telecom's IoT Tribe Leader
Krister Almstrom - Latam Business Development Director at Sitehop Ltd.
Wesley Ribeiro - Founder and CEO of Agrotech Global

Coordinator: Dr. Paulo Marin
ICT & Telecom Infrastructure Consultant

13:30 - 14:15

Discover the new Brazilian standard for POLAN networks: ABNT NBR 16869-5:2024

Emilio Scalise Filho - CEO of Tellnet Tecnologia de Redes

14h15 - 15h00

The key to excellence: well-executed building automation projects

Roberto Bettoni - Director of Bettoni Automation and Security

15:00 - 15:45

IoT and structured cabling: how these technologies coexist

Christiano Finamore - CTO of XRIoT

15h45 - 16h15


16h15 - 17h00

Integrating technology into historic heritage: challenges in installing cabling in historic buildings

Erika Lasmar - CEO of Esteves Lasmar Engenharia e Consultoria

17h00 - 17h45

Ethernet standards in optical fibers and specifications: how to choose the right fiber

Marcelo Barboza - CEO of Clarity Training

17h45 - 18h30

Category 6A: what is it for and where does it go?

Dr. Paulo Marin - ICT & Telecom Infrastructure Consultant

Coordinator Marcius Vitale - CEO of Vitale Consultoria
and President of ADINATEL - Association of Inatel Graduates

13h30 - 13h40

Workshop opening

Marcius Vitale - CEO of Vitale Consultoria and President of ADINATEL - Association of Inatel Graduates

13h40 - 14h10

Panel - New NBR 15.214 - Electricity distribution network - Sharing infrastructure with telecommunications networks

Marcius Vitale - CEO of Vitale Consultoria and President of ADINATEL - Association of Inatel Graduates

Rodrigo Urçulino - Revenue Protection Analyst at Cemig's Accessory Revenue Management
Daniel Vagner - Consultant at Telefónica (Vivo)

14h10 - 15h45

Panel - Advances and opportunities in pole sharing in Brazil

Helcio Binelli - Managing Partner at PGB Security

Luiz Henrique Barbosa - President of Telcomp
Katia Pedroso - Partner and Director of TELCONSULTORIA
Sidney Simonaggio - Partner-owner of SIMONAGGIO Soluções Empresariais
José Borges da Silva Neto - ANATEL's Competition Superintendent
Ana Carolina Silva - Regulatory consultant at ABRADEE

15h45 - 16h15


16h15 - 17h20

Panel - Exploring the new occupational safety regulations

Rogério Moreira Lima - Coordinator of the Specialized Chamber of Electrical Engineering of CREA-MA

Rodrigo Vaz - MTB Labor Inspector
Gianfranco Pampalon - Former Labor Inspector and Member of the NR35 CNTT
Aguinaldo Bizzo - Occupational Health and Safety Consultant and Member of the NR10 WGT

17h20 - 18h20

Panel - AI in telecommunications infrastructure - Future of shared poles in Brazil

Marcius Vitale - CEO of Vitale Consultoria and President of ADINATEL - Association of Inatel Graduates

Antonio Marcos Alberti - Professor at Inatel
Flávia Letícia - Senior Consultant at Labre Tavares and Member of the INFRAWOMEN WG
Daniel Moura - CEO and Founder of PIX Force.AI

18h20 - 18h30

Close of business

register for the congresses